/ exhibitions / alexander iezzi

Commemoration Of My Modifier
January 25 – February 1, 2016
Besides its use as a traditional material in sculpture, writing and encaustic painting, wax has long been used as a paradigmatic example within the history of philosophy to prove or disprove a set of epistemological claims. For Descartes, the example of wax as an extended, flexible and changeable material provided the 17th century rationalist with a reason for being skeptical of the senses. For Locke, the example of a wax slate was evoked to demonstrate that the human mind at birth is not pre-equipped with any innate or universally understood concept.
Wax has recently become a prominent material for the artist, both for personal use, and for creating sculptures of varying sizes. The industrial grade, petroleum-derived paraffin wax used in the exhibition Commemoration of My Modifier was purchased from a wholesaler in rudimentary slabs. The ten individual sheets, concisely cast in wax and installed in the exhibition space are the consequence of repeated, practiced attempts at melting and pouring a more industrially fabricated-looking (glass sheet-like) support.
Each of these individual wax sheets is displayed with four loosely fabricated pieces of cast bronze that emphasize traces of the manual in subtle and discrete ways. With their hand-made fittings buried into the walls of the exhibition space, each individual sculptural construction simultaneously mimics the typical gallery exhibition hang while providing a less negligible place for the working surface. Slight interferences to any of the individual wax sheets, owing to changes in temperature or to slight surface mishandling, surfaces which are incidentally encased with light studio-debris, are considered serendipitous events for the artist and do not implicitly change the holistic concepts associated within the body of work.
Along the disorienting boundary lines that exist between dreaming and wakefulness, the natural and the artificial, between the fragility of the wax sheets and the durability of the bronze hardware, lies the work. The artist’s particular method of exaggerating binaries assists in bringing to awareness, otherwise neglected attributes of objects and events that persistently contribute to our surroundings in silent and unnoticed ways.

1. Commemoration 4, (I treat this severe, soap
and a number of flour buckwheat and dust
chalk mixed with the stability of a size suitable,
and the information can be used with friends;
Damage to the cold start to light, and patience
to help keep the new offer moistened chalk.
He made successful is not so much our friends
with us to make sure that it is clear that the
measures were taken. Therefore, you should
be familiar with common practice comes up), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 17.5” x 2.25”
2. Commemoration 10, (You find out by
looking at the severity and the two people who
hate each other can be put into the food, a
vulture on the stone and thought out to create
and make them as good friends), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 20.5” x 2.25”
3. Commemoration 2, (Planting sticky white
powder. Nut powder if necessary, one
hemisphere ounce of molasses. Ball particular
weed. Two ounces of oil washing in half a
bottle of linseed oil is an effective remedy for
worms in horses and cattle), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 17.5” x 2.25”
4. Commemoration 8, (Who removes shoes
or socks, between the fingers and the smell can
be a finger, that is, every night to follow. This
will certainly affect the treatment), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 22” x 2.25”
5. Commemoration 3, (Take soap Venetian,
juniper oil, palette, Prunea salt, sweet mood of
the American, each one ounce; Make it into a
ball with powdered licorice root, and give the
horse two grams at a time, and repeat if
necessary. If you watched in a violent, bloody
fever, and let Bran mesh), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 22” x 2.25”
6. Commemoration 5, (A few days ago I
happened to be in the country, we have a new
job title to see the effects of the injury. Onions
are applied immediately on the affected side of
a bad boy, and in pain. The only solution is an
important and well-known, and the fact that we
mentioned above do not commit themselves),
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 22” x 2.25”
7. Commemoration 9, (If you have a large
amphibious heavy ash, and mix the ashes with
water, you cover the hair to the hair placed
anywhere, to prevent damage to the rod and
again that it will perfume), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 22” x 2.25”
8. Commemoration 1, (It took a pound of soap
is well cut, and it is mixed with a pound of
sodium carbonate. This article is not used as
much, and this production, we have a “big
secret”), 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 19” x 22” x 2.25”
9. Commemoration of my Modifier, 2016
paraffin, cast bronze, inkjet and pencil
on paper, 23.25” x 15”
10. Untitled, 2016
paraffin and cast bronze, 8” x 10” x 2.25”